Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm boring.

I need to take a class on blogging. I succck.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Live Long and Prosper.

Did I tell you guys that I have an enormous, gargantuan movie collection? I mean, so many movies I cannot even count. Sure is a waste of money, because let's face it, I don't watch them over and over. (Although I always say I will, for reason to buy the damn DVD.) But no, I only watch it once and I lock the movie up and again in its plastic prison. From PIXAR movies, to TV shows, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, King of Queens (whyyy?), FRIENDS, Grey's Anatomy,... I could go on and on but you get the point. The problem is: I can't stop. I always feel I am in deep need to watch something. I have found a new hobby btw. I go to Blockbuster and buy 4 movies for twentybuCks. (good selections too!) Sometimes during the week, I drive to Coconuts and spend like, I dont know, 3.5 hours easy at that place. I buy used dvds and used cds. WHAT????!!! Judging me already? I am not a couch potato. I go to the gym everyday. Yet it never fails, after the gym, I always open a can of Coke Zero and watch a new movie I bought on the weekend. I recently watched The Invisible. I recommend it. I just purchased HollywoodLand ft. Adrien Brody. (I liiike him) And I just bought the new cd by Chester French. I highly recommend them.

I saw Star Trek on its opening day. So totally awesome. If you haven't watched it yet, you need to go like, nOW. I am not even kidding. I am a Zachary Quinto groupie. (Don't hate) I also saw Wolverine: Origin. I think I liked Star Trek much better. Chris Pine was perfecto for the role of Captain Kirk.

I just read my blog entry over for spelling mistakes and I realized something. (Usually at this point, I type: I am crazy!! This is such an expensive hobby and where am I going to put all of these movies?!) But no. I think this dvd craze is a phase that I would like to stay in for a while. I am helping the economy, damnit. What are yOU doing to help this economy?

Yeah, didn't think so. :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Oh snap!

I was rummaging through some of my old stuff and found like, I swear, over 700 photos. An accumulation of past birthdays, christmases, bbqs, and vietnamese-style weddings with photos of me holding various babies I do not recognize. I am wondering, why on earth do I take these photos, upload them on SnapFish and pay for SF to print them for me, just so I can find them 3 years later, NOT in a beautiful, decorated album that I can share with my sisters? But in their original packaging with the stupid blue fish on the front of the envelope.
Of course then being the girl that I am, I set them aside and make an unwitten self promise to make it a project/busy work. Almost instantly, I am discouraged. haha. What can I say?! You'd be too! But if you think about it, life is all about experiences. Experiences and connections with people, involving drinking, food and laughs and love. If we were to not photograph these experiences while they were happening, did they really happen? Do you remember what you did on your 16th birthday? If you do, how much do you remember? How many people came to this, quote 'party' of yours? :) Was there really a party? Wheretf are your pictures to prove it?? haha. I dont know. A friend actually brought this up to me and it got me thinking.

I will get to you, pile o'pictures.
As for my 16th birthday, I can definitely tell you, I don't remember it at all. And there are no photos. Aw, see?